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#17 Knowledge is Power!!

From time to time I have talked about some helpful websites. Here are additional sites I found by typing “low vision” and “low vision blogs” into my search engine. All these resources can be helpful to increase knowledge of macular degeneration. With increased knowledge, comes increased independence.


  • www.nei.nih.gov
    The National Eye Institute is part of the National Institutes of Health. This is the place to find the latest studies involving macular degeneration. Under eye health, click on Macular Degeneration. Some of the articles can be very technical. Lots of facts on this site. One of the most interesting:  With the youngest of the baby boomers hitting 65 by 2029, the number of people with visual impairment or blindness in the United States is expected to double to more than 8 million by 2050. I find this encouraging because it means more and more research will happen – both to prevent and treat eye conditions.
  • www.visionaware.org  Links and information on this site make it worth your time to look. Contains links to the vision aware blog, plus many others.
  • www.lighthousetoolsforliving.org Lots of unique items to make life easier with low vision.
  • www.allaboutvision.com On the left side of the opening page is a list of information on the website. I especially like the “low vision” one because it contains “low vision news and product releases”.
  • https://www.webrn-maculardegeneration.com/ Lots of resources for macular degeneration.


FACEBOOK LINKS can be found on many home pages of the above websites and blogs.


What websites and blogs have I missed? Which blogs do you follow that can help others? What Facebook pages have been helpful? I’m sure as I type these words, I will find other sites to share with you. So these pages might be a post that you want to refer to from time to time.


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