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#66 The Hadley School for the Blind

In the last post, I briefly mentioned the Hadley School and their podcast re Aira. (link to #65) This time I want to talk more about what The Hadley School website offers.

Three major selections are workshops, audio podcasts, and discussion groups which meet once a month.

The workshops offer podcasts full of information.  For example, under Adjusting to vision loss are 21 podcasts and workshops. Here’s the link: https://hadley.edu/catalog?topic_id_1=All&topic_id=11&format_1=All&format=10

  • Daily Living
  • Recreation
  • Braille
  • Adjusting to vision loss
  • Technology
  • Working

Daily Living includes subjects like safety basics, cooking series, labels, clothing tips, cleaning your house, staying connected, organizing your home, and makeup tips. Each of these subjects is divided into very specific titles. Each of the specific titles has a one- or two-minute video with it.

Recreation contains subjects like container gardening series, game series, and golfing after vision loss. The game series includes things like adapting card games and keeping the fun in bowling. By the way, did you see on the news this week a report about a blind marathon runner who ran the marathon in Boston? Amazing!

The Braille subject includes various ways to learn braille.

Audio podcasts have 41 different topics. They cover a wide range, like Becoming Socially Confident After Vision Loss, and Sites Unseen: Traveling the World Without Sight. Each podcast has a speaker who answers questions specific to vision loss. Here’s a link to the topics: https://hadley.edu/podcasts/hadley-presents-conversation-experts

The ten Discussion Groups include topics such as What’s Cooking? on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 4 pm Central Time. The next meeting is on October 27, 2021. Topics include tips, tricks, and fun things to try all related to cooking. The group shares recipes and gadgets that can help with cooking.

Other discussion group topics include travel, crafts, writing, reading, and braille.

Do you have a tech question? Tech It Out meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. The next meeting is on October 26, 2021. Here’s a place to ask questions and share your knowledge about things technology-oriented.  

Here’s the link to the discussion groups: https://hadley.edu/discussion-groups

As you can see, the Hadley School website is packed full of information.

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