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"Yes I Can" Blog

#57 Eye Appointments and COVID-19

Many eye doctors are not having routine appointments during the virus pandemic. They are only having emergency visits. This results in patient questions: What is an eye emergency? Are eye injections considered urgent? Do I continue in the clinical trial that I am in? What if I have a change in my vision? How can […]


#56 Social Distancing

We are hearing so much about social distancing and the coronavirus. But if we are blind or have low vision, we already feel a huge degree of social distancing. Now the issue is more physical distancing. My subject today is how to keep yourself occupied when you can’t socialize with others or at least keep […]


#55 Be My Eyes Update

My husband and I haven’t gotten a Be My Eyes call lately. One look at the latest numbers of volunteers explains why. It’s an understatement to say that’s a lot of growth for an app. created in 2015. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the link to my first blog about this […]


#54 Blind Beatitudes

Millie sent me a copy of the Blind Beatitudes and I thought you might enjoy them. I did. The author is unknown. I googled “Blind Beatitudes” to try and find the name of the author. I didn’t find the author but found the beatitudes on this website – http://www.duncan-holmes.com/ Duncan Holmes has been blind since […]


#53 Seeing AI

Seeing AI: Talking Camera for the blind. Designed to work in conjunction with VoiceOver, Seeing AI (Artificial Intelligence) reads short text and even full documents quickly and easily.  The bottom line here is reading does not have to be an insurmountable problem anymore for visually impaired people. Here’s a link to a 50-second video showing a couple […]


# 52 Research & Development 2019

Lots of research and development has occurred in 2019. I’d like to summarize the report given to the International Low Vision Support Group in June 2019 by Dan Roberts, Director. The report in its entirety can be found at this link: https://lowvision.preventblindness.org/2019/05/25/summary-of-research-and-developments-2019/ at Living Well With Low Vision by Prevent Blindness. Each bullet point has […]


#51 Yes I Can – Another 25

This blog is a continuation of #50. Once again, if you doubt your ability to say, “Yes I Can,” check the number and go back to the blog with the same number. 26. Yes I Can donate old glasses to be given to someone who can’t afford glasses. 27. Yes I Can share with others […]


#50 Yes I Can Times 25

Blog # 50 is a great time to review previous blogs and remember what can be done to cope with low vision. We begin with blog #1. If you doubt your ability to say, “Yes I Can!” check the number of the item and return to the blog with the same number. See what it […]


#49 Blind Parents

One of my readers sent me an article from the June 2019 magazine Parents. The name of the article — What Blind Parents Want You to See. The article doesn’t address macular degeneration, but it does cover issues that all blind and low vision folks can relate to. They are so important, I wanted to […]


#48 Audio Description at the Movies

Millie’s low vision support group took exciting field trips. When they visited the art museum, a volunteer described the exhibits. Some museums have audio description headsets. In the photo, that’s Millie on the left. Someone from the museum was describing the wall hanging. This kind of one-on-one help is terrific because those with low vision […]


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