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#75 Facial Issues

Readers: Do you have a suggestion for a topic? Do you want more information on a topic I have already covered? I’m looking for ideas.

Before my cyberknife radiation, I had one facial symptom. From time to time I felt like an ant was walking across my right cheekbone. I would swipe my cheek, again and again. After about the umpteenth time, when swiping didn’t help, I looked in the mirror. No ant. I was always thankful the sensation didn’t last even a minute.

Twitches, spasms, and numbness are strange sensations. Now and then since treatment, I still have the ant sensation, and sometimes a numbness around my mouth. It feels like I had been to the dentist and had numbing for treatment.

These sensations can occur after radiation with swelling when the tumor touches a nerve. It’s easy to blame our symptoms on the treatment, but so often we wonder, is the tumor growing? In other words, is the symptom due to radiation swelling, irritation from surgery, or actual growth? An MRI might be needed to answer the question.  

The facial symptoms are more common after treatment, either radiation or surgery. When the symptoms increase in frequency and duration, it’s time to see the doctor. Doctors try various medications: valium, prednisone, Gabapentin, and Botox.

Also mentioned on the AN discussion forum was facial PT and acupuncture.

If you want to read the experiences of others, go to the discussion forum. Here’s the link

Lopsided smiles and facial dropping can also happen, often due to facial paralysis. The symptoms are different depending on the location of the tumor, and the surgical approach. The timing of how long the symptoms will last is also an individual thing.

Eyelid problems and dry eye can also occur.

As you read the comments on the forum, it’s important to remember what works for one person might or might not work for another person. The opposite is true – what doesn’t work for someone might work for someone else.


Guiding Father, help me to accept I am where I am. You have always been with me, and you will continue to be with me. I trust you and know you will hold my hand through whatever my future holds. Give me patience with my symptoms and trust that you are in charge. Amen.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you … Isaiah 26:3a

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