What is irritability? What causes it? How do I treat it? Wow. Can I really tackle this subject in one blog? We shall see.
Let’s start with Webster’s dictionary. Irritable = having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry. Grumpy. Moody. Crotchety. Bad-tempered. Grouchy. Cantankerous. Ill-humored. Disagreeable. Crabby. On a short fuse. There were about 30 more definitions in the dictionary I checked.
And only two for the opposite – good-humored and easygoing.
Do you know what causes you to be irritable? If you don’t know, stop and think about it the next time you are out of sorts. What’s going on? If you can figure out the cause, you might be able to have an “attitude adjustment.” It’s possible it’s a tiny thing that you haven’t considered before.
Small things can really be stressful when we are already irritable or out-of-sorts. There’s a snowball effect here. What makes us lash out at someone can cause them to get mad at us. Anger can multiply.
Here are some possible causes.
Of course, the treatment varies depending on the cause. If we can’t figure out the treatment on our own, a visit to the doctor might help. It’s possible an underlying disease – in addition to the one you know about – is contributing to the mood issue. Especially if the mood persists. Medications or counseling can help if the problem is severe or often.
Tips that might help the everyday kind of irritability include:
Readers: What helps you with this issue? Do you know what causes you to be irritable? What do you do about it?
Dear Jesus, Sometimes I feel out of sorts, miserable. It’s at those times that I’m not very loving to others. Forgive me and help me to feel better about my situation. Amen.