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#23 Acceptance?

I never used to question Romans 8:28. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

But this? How is this tumor working for my good? If I had the answer to that question, I might be able to accept it.

Maybe I’m to accept the tumor on trust without answers to my why questions.

God didn’t look down from heaven and decide for some reason to zap me with this acoustic neuroma, did he? But it happened.

Do I need an answer to why it happened? Maybe it’s some sort of test. If it is, am I passing? What does one have to do to pass such a test? I think of the people I know who have cancer, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gerhig’s Disease, blindness, the list goes on and on. So why does one person develop one thing and someone else something else?

Then I look at others who don’t seem to suffer from anything at all. Same why question comes to mind. Why does one person appear to suffer and not another person?

Lots of questions and not many answers.


Readers: Have you accepted your diagnosis? Do you believe Romans 8:28? Can you accept your diagnosis without answers to all the why questions?


Dear God,

How do I ask for acceptance and give thanks for this? All things work together for good? How is this working for good? I don’t see it. I don’t get it. Forgive me when my trust suffers and I don’t understand your ways.

I want to feel you at work in my life today. Forgive me for asking, but I need a visible sign, a hit-me-over-the head kind of sign of your presence in my life today. Amen.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

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