Welcome to DebVellines.com
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.” ~ 1 Peter 5:7
Welcome to a place of hope and encouragement. Deb Vellines is dedicated to uplifting those facing vision loss and life’s unexpected challenges. Inspired by her mother Millie’s remarkable journey with macular degeneration and her own battle with a rare brain tumor, Deb shares wisdom through heartfelt blogs and faith-filled devotions. She is here to serve you in three ways—by offering practical advice, spiritual growth, and stories of resilience. Whatever your journey, you’ll find faith and purpose here.

Mother and Inspiration
Yes, I Can
"My mother adjusted to her blindness so well that her sight-loss support group asked her to visit new members who needed help. Eventually, we wrote a pamphlet with information for those with low vision ... An editor suggested that I write... read more"
Explore below for Deb Vellines' latest writing on macular degeneration, reflections on her journey with an acoustic neuroma, and faith-filled devotions to inspire your spiritual growth.
Yes I Can Blog
With the Yes I Can blog, readers will find practical information about macular degeneration. Deb’s mother, Millie, was blind in both eyes, yet she lived independently and enjoyed life. How she managed this until her passing at age 92 is the focus of the blog.
#77 Alexa
#76 Charles Bonnet Syndrome
#75 Surviving without Driving
A New Me Blog
With the A New Me blog, Deb shares her journey with an acoustic neuroma, a rare benign brain tumor. A diagnosis of a major illness presents challenges and brings change, but change can bring new possibilities. No matter the diagnosis, the steps she shares can be helpful.
# 77 – 21 Stress Busters
# 76 Claustrophobia
#75 Facial Issues
With the Devotions, Deb offers guidance for spiritual growth. These devotions provide insights on expressing gratitude each day, practicing forgiveness, understanding that salvation is a gift rather than earned, and learning to trust.