The Upper Room - Ebenezer
Monday, February 10, 2025 by Deb Vellines
Read 1 Samuel 7:8 – 12
Then Samuel took a stone . . . and named it Ebenezer,
for he said, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."
-1 Samuel 7:12 (NRSV)
When I sang the words "Here I raise mine Ebenezer hither by Thy help I’m come . . . ", * I had no idea what Ebenezer meant. Then I read First Samuel and learned Ebenezer refers to a stone memorial that Samuel built to remind the people how much God had helped them. The word itself means Stone of Help.
I recognize the Lord’s daily help in journals, which I now think of as Ebenezer journals. Each day I make a list of ten things I am thankful for from the day before. I also make a list of prayer requests. The thank you lists are often answers to the requests.
No matter the year or date, as I flip open the pages I am always struck by God’s faithfulness. I am especially thankful for these records on days when my faith questions God’s answers or his lack of answers or his timing.
When we remember God’s help “thus far,” like Samuel we can give thanks. And as we raise our Ebenezers, we need not doubt future help.
* "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," words by Robert Robinson, 1757
Thought for the Day -- How can I remember God's faithfulness?
Prayer--Heavenly Father, thank you for hearing our prayers. Help us shout, “Ebenezer,” when we give thanks for past help and when we worry about future help. Amen.
Prayer focus: Those who doubt God.
Previous Posts
The Upper Room - Ebenezer
Deb Vellines
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